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New! Sheer energy to move 932 pounds of bricks in one sheer movement using the power of a man's back or horses requires energy. That is all! Abraham had no four wheel vehicle with an engine but he had faith and common sense to do whatever God required of him in a way that was efficient and respectful to all of God's creation of which he was a part. Abraham also had no law. Neither did Joseph or Jacob or Moses when Moses crossed the red sea. Count the logic errors in your Major newspaper.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

THE MEN'S MAGAZINE(TM). ESTABLISHED IN 1996! All posts by Warren A. Lyon, LL.B(Hons) U. of L. This is my version of Egyptian testimony instead of Dutty Bookman who has a disdain for education.How will you know the Egyptians were Black enough for 1789 when race began? The Athlete Ben or poet Ben Jonson's oldest ancestor could be a Pharaoh? A woman is not a disposable bandaid utensil for your self esteem. You must think of her like an appreciated coffee maker. I loved you Uncle, your father and mother like the bible,Torah and Koran says. March 10, 2018 THE LUTHERAN, PURITAN AND CALVINIST TAKE ON STATE AUTHORITY AND THE CHURCH IN THE OLD WORLD PRIOR TO 1633 IN ENGLAND WAS AN ARGUMENT THAT SURVIVED THE ATLANTIC PASSAGE FOR TOO LONG NOW AND HAS BEEN REDUCED TO A MANTRA ABOUT THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE; A MANTRA THAT SEEKS SEPARATION IN FEAR OF THE WORST THAT CHURCH EMPLOYEES OR TEACHERS MAY HAVE DONE IN DEVALUING THE SUBJECT WHILE PROMOTING THE AUTHORITY. THE REAL TRUTH IS THAT THE PURITAN IS A KIND OF REFORMED CATHOLIC AND AN AGENT OF EUROPEAN CULTURE IN THE NEW WORLD. BUT, WHERE DOES HE GO TO CHURCH TODAY? THIS IS OVER NOW BUT FEAR IS POWERFUL IN ACHIEVING THE SAME DEVALUING OF THE SUBJECT WHICH IS HUMAN LIFE IN THE ABSENCE OF THE RULES THAT GIVE RESPECT TO THE SAME AND ALSO HUMANE AND CIVIL BOUNDARIES CONCERNING PERSONAL PROPERTY AND FAMILY LIFE IN WORD, ART, COMMUNICATIONS AND IN DEED AS THE MANTRA OF FREE SPEECH HAS WORKED TO ALLOW EVERY KIND OF DEVALUING CRITTER OR CREATURE IN THOUGHT AND IN DEED TO INFILTRATE THE PUBLIC ATMOSPHERE UNDER THE OTHER MANTRA THAT IS THE TWIN OF THE CHURCH/STATE DIATRIBE AS CALLED THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND WHILE IT IS FREE, WE CANNOT ARGUE WITH THE EVIDENCE IN THE COST OF CERTAIN SPEECH THAT IS EXTOLLED AS FREE BUT THAT IS EITHER CRIMINAL OR SIMPLY CONFUSING OR MISDIRECTING, DISTRACTING, DESTRUCTIVE OR CERTAINLY DIVISIVE AND SUBTLY SOCIALLY DECAPITATING WHOLE GENERATIONS AS CORROSIVE. THE STUDENT IS NOT A THREAT TO A TEACHER'S EGO BUT A PROTECTED AND VALUED BUILDING BLOCK IN A FAMILY AND ALSO, THEREFORE, SOCIETY. CHILDREN ARE PEOPLE TOO! WE COULD GO AND WATCH REN AND STEMPY AND WHILE YOU SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH IT, IT IS BECAUSE IT IS NOT THE CARTOON OR TV THAT NURSED YOU IN THE MOST VULNERABLE YEARS OF LIFE WHEN THE SOUL AND PERSONALITY IS BEING CONSTRUCTED TO UNDERSTAND SELF VALUE AND SELF RESPECT AND THAT THERE ARE BOUNDARIES TO BE RESPECTED IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS IN ADDITION TO YOUR OWN LIFE; PHYSICAL BOUNDARIES AND EMOTIONAL BOUNDARIES ALSO. THERE WAS SOME OTHER CARTOON OR TV SHOW. SO LET US HEAR YOU SAY AGAIN THAT REN AND STEMPY IS GREAT, FARGO. OZARK AND EVERY OTHER MOVIE OR SHOW THAT MAKES YOU THANKFUL THERE IS A COP WHO CAN RESPOND TO A 911 CALL IN SEVEN MINUTES. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH SUPPORTS STATE AUTHORITY AS OVER THE CHURCH WHILE IN ROME THE CHURCH MAINTAINS ITS OWN STATE BUT THE PRACTICAL TRUTH IS THE ACCEPTANCE OF DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS AND CHURCHES THAT WILL, IF IN GENUINE STRIDE AS TO THE VALUE OF THE BUILDING BLOCK OF SOCIETY AND OF THE HUMAN LIFE, AGREE AND CONFIRM THE SAME IN MUTUAL AND SIMILAR CREEDS ALTHOUGH THERE MAY BE SOME NUANCE. GOD IS ONE. THE CROWN IS ONE. THE STATE IS ONE. ITS PURPOSE IS PEACE, ORDER AND GOOD GOVERNMENT AS STATED BY SOME AND THE LIFE, LIBERTY, HEALTH AND PROPERTY AS STATED BY OTHERS. SEPARATING CHURCH AND STATE CAN CONFIRM RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY BUT ANY ASSEMBLY THAT THREATENS THE LIVES OF OTHER INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE SWORN TO A SACRED ALLEGIANCE TO DEFEND HIS BROTHER CITIZEN IS A THREAT TO ALL; A THREAT TO THE STATE WHILE ALL MEN COULD STATE THAT THEY ARE RELIGIOUSLY FREE TO KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY ANY MAN THEY WANT BUT THIS IS A THREAT TO THE GENERAL PEACE AND THE RIGHT LIFE AND LIBERTY OF OTHERS IN THE MUTUAL HAPPINESS; A MUTUAL HAPPINESS. THE STATE IS THE AMALGAMATION OF A TOTAL AND GENERAL WILL OF ALL CITIZENS TO CARRY ON IN THE RIGHT AND LAWFUL DAILY PURSUITS AND THE BOUNDARY IS TO RESPECT THE RIGHT AND LAWFUL PURSUIT OF OTHERS. THE 'ME' OR THE 'MY' DREAM APPROACH OR MY WORLD VIEW THAT MUST BE HEARD IN SPITE OF ITS THREAT TO THE UNSPOKEN BUT EVIDENT BOUNDARIES IN THE RIGHTS TO SAFETY AS VESTED IN US ALL WOULD HAVE TO BE ADDRESSED SINCE YOU WOULD HAVE TO AGREE THAT NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO THREATEN YOU AS A WHITE MAN IN THE ABSENCE OF BASIC INCOME IN YOUR AUTOMATED ECONOMY. BUT, THE ABSENCE THREATENS EVERYONE REALLY. THE GOAL IS NOT A DESERT OF THE REAL AS YOU HOPE AND PRAY TO SEE WHAT GOD DOES AFTER WARD WHILE YOU HUNT FOR NUCLEAR CONTAMINATED CATS IN THE WOODS WITH A CROSS BOW. THE SCHOOL IS ONE SPHERE OF DEBATE ON THIS ISSUE OF SEPARATION AND THE PUBLIC DOES NOT HAVE TO BE CATHOLIC OR CHURCH RUN AS THERE ARE OTHER RELIGIOUS PERSUASIONS WHO MUST ATTEND AND IT IS JUST A WASTE OF TIME FOR THE MAJORITY TO BE TAKEN UP WITH RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION BEYOND THE MOST SIMPLE OBSERVATION OF THE BELIEFS OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE NATION AND WHY YOU WOULD BE SO FORTUNATE TO ATTEND A FREE SCHOOL TODAY. THEY DO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH CONFIRMING THIS IN A HISTORY CLASS AND THERE ARE SOME WHO WERE JEWISH; CERTAINLY. THE BIBLE SHOULD BE IN THE LIBRARY AND THAT IS THE END OF IT. THERE WILL BE NO ALTAR CALL DURING PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION AND NOR WILL THERE BE THE LORD'S PRAYER. YOU CAN PRAY BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL OR AT LUNCH TIME. THE CHURCHES CAN RUN THEIR OWN SCHOOL AND SCHOOL SYSTEM BUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL OR STATE SYLLABUS IS PARAMOUNT AND THERE WILL BE FINES IF STATE STANDARDS ARE NOT MAINTAINED AS TO THE READING AND ARITHMETIC SINCE THE FINAL DEBATE AS TO THE SAFETY OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS AND STREETS AND SUBWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE SIMPLE PURCHASE OF A BMW HYDROGEN 7 THAT RUNS ON GAS, HYDROGEN AND PROPANE TO SAVE YOUR MONEY IS NOT A VERY DIFFICULT THREE FUEL OR THREE ANGLED ECONOMIC DEBATE. IT ALWAYS ADDS UP TO USE THE CHEAPEST AND MOST ABUNDANT FUEL AT ANY GIVEN TIME IN OUR MARCH TOWARD GREATER EFFICIENCY AND HUMAN FELICITY. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP WILL STAY CONSTANT AND THERE IS NO NEED TO SOW DESPERATION OR NEED TO ENSURE THERE IS MISERY FOR MEMBERSHIP. THERE ARE FAMILIES AND THERE ARE WOMEN WHO READ BAD MAGAZINES AND MEN WHO CHOOSE TO WATCH THE BELLY DANCER AND GIVER HER $20.00 INSTEAD OF WATCHING YOUR WIFE CHANGE AND GIVING HER $20.00. HAVE A SHOWER WITH HER AND BUY A PIZZUH! YOUR FREEDOM TO PRODUCE WHAT YOU WANT AND COMMUNICATE MESSAGES OF HUMAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE HAVE TO RESPECT A DENOMINATOR MORE THAN THEY DO NOT SINCE THERE ARE CHILDREN WHO COULD BE UNWITTING VICTIMS AND MAY NEVER RECOVER FROM WHAT WAS INTENDED TO HEAL A DRUG ADDICT OR SOME OTHER MONSTER WHO IS THE SLAVE TO THEIR ANGERS. THE DENOMINATOR IS THAT THERE HAS TO BE MORAL TO THE STORY THAT SUPPORTS WHAT SOME OF US MAY NOT HAVE HAD AND THAT WE MIGHT HAVE CHOSEN AS AN OBJECT OF RESENTMENT BUT IT HAS TO BE SUPPORTED FOR THE PURPOSES OF A SAFE SOCIETY. THIS IS THE FAMILY AS THE BUILDING BLOCK OF SOCIETY. THIS IS THE FINAL DENOMINATOR IN ANY GOVERNMENT AND IN ANY CHURCH AND AS SUCH THEIR EFFORTS ARE NOT SEPARABLE BUT COMPATIBLE WITH CLEAN WATER THAT ENCOURAGES FERTILITY, GOOD TEETH AND GOOD HEALTH ALONG WITH A FUNCTION MAIL AND COURIER SYSTEM, HOSPITALS AND SCHOOLS IN ADDITION TO AN ECONOMY THAT WILL ALWAYS BE AUTOMATED SINCE THE AUTOMATION IS THE TESTIMONY OF THE FIRST TRULY CONSUMER SOCIETY AND MAXIMUM AUTOMATION IS NOT SOUGHT IN DESTROYING THE SUBJECT OF ECONOMIC ENDEAVOR; THAT BEING THE FAMILY BUT SUPPORTING THE FAMILY AND THE INDIVIDUALS THEREIN. THE SALE OF THE NOTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL IS ALWAYS SUBSUMED TO THE PARAMOUNT GOAL OF THE FAMILY AND EVEN AN INDIVIDUAL CAN BE A FAMILY OF ONE WITH A DOG OR CAT AND MAYBE A GIRLFRIEND DOWN THE ROAD HE WILL NEVER BE TRULY ALONE AS ALL HAVE CONTACT WITH OTHERS WITH THE LOVING BUMP, PUSH AND APOLOGY ON THE SUBWAY. HE NEVR FEELS TOO ALONE AS HE WATCHES TV COMMUNALLY AS PEOPLE WATCH HIM THROUGH HIS WEB CAM OR HIS TELEVISION CABLE BOX AND HE WILL EAT WHAT EVER PATE HE CHOOSES OR MAYBE THE OCCASIONAL FISH AND CHIPS DISH OR MAYBE THE INSTANT SOUP AND RAMEN. THIS ISSUE OF CHURCH AND STATE IS A NON ISSUE SINCE WHEN DOES THE STATE NOT HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THE INDIVIDUAL OR ITS OWN ORGANISATIONS IF NOT THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO CAN FIT INTO A ROOM UNDER FIRE REGULATIONS? THERE IS A BUILDING CODE FOR PLUMBING AND THE QUALITY AND NATURE OF FIRE ALARMS. YOU SPEND SO MUCH TIME ARGUING AND YOU DID IT BEFORE BUT THIS TIME YOU CAN SEE THAT YOUR EXPERIENCE AS A CONSUMER SOCIETY AND ALL THAT IT DEMANDED FROM CAPITALISM IS BEING SOLD BACK TO YOU BUY SOCIETIES WHO WERE LESS CONSUMPTIVE AND HYPER IN TERMS OF CONSUMPTION. YOU BOUGHT THE HONDA AND THE TOYOTA BECAUSE YOU DESERVE A BREAK TODAY. YOU ARE WORTH IT. HERE'S TO YOU! BUT, THERE ARE SOME OF YOU WHO ARE RESISTANT! YOU DO NOT WANT TO REST! YOU COULD ALSO BE MOTIVATED BY FEAR AS THEY DID NOT OFFER YOU THE OPTION WHEN THE MACHINES SHOWED UP SO IN THE STALEMATE AND WITH NO OPTION PROVIDED, YOU MUST HAVE QUIETLY AND WITH ORGANIZATION, DAMAGED THE MACHINES BOUGHT BY US INDUSTRY FOR AUTOMATION AND YOU KEPT YOUR HANDS WORKING BUT IT SEEMS THERE WAS NO COMMITMENT MADE BY GOVERNMENT TO THE FAMILY; NO COMMITMENT TO CONSUMPTION AND NO COMMITMENT TO THE INDIVIDUAL SO THAT CONSUMPTION WOULD THRIVE SINCE THE AUTO WORKERS GOAL IS NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO EAT, LIVE AND PRAY. HE WANTS TO SUPPORT HIS CHURCH AND HE PROBABLY HAS OTHER SKILLS THAT THE ECONOMY CAN USE AND THEREBY IT WILL BENEFIT ONCE THE NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT MAKE COMMITMENT VIA BASIC INCOME TO CONSUMPTION FOR THE FAMILIES THAT ARE THE BUILDING BLOCK OF SOCIETY FOR MORE TIDE, COCA COLA AND KRAFT FOODS. The Lutheran, Puritan and Calvinist take on State authority and the church in the old world prior to 1633 in England was an argument that survived the Atlantic passage for too long now and has been reduced to a mantra about the separation of church and state; a mantra that seeks separation in fear of the worst that church employees or teachers may have done in devaluing the subject while promoting the authority. The real truth is that the Puritan is a kind of reformed Catholic and an agent of European culture in the new world. But, where does he go to church today?  This is over now but fear is powerful in achieving the same devaluing of the subject which is human life in the absence of the rules that give respect to the same and also humane and civil boundaries concerning personal property and family life in word, art, communications and in deed as the mantra of free speech  has worked to allow every kind of devaluing critter or creature in thought and in deed to infiltrate the public atmosphere under the other mantra that is the twin of the church/state diatribe as called the freedom of speech and while it is free, we cannot argue with the evidence in the cost of certain speech that is extolled as free but that is either criminal or simply confusing or misdirecting, distracting, destructive or certainly divisive and subtly socially decapitating whole generations  as corrosive.  The student is not a threat to a teacher's ego but a protected and valued building block in a family and also, therefore, society. Children are people too!   We could go and watch Ren and Stempy and while you see nothing wrong with it, it is because it is not the cartoon or tv that nursed you in the most vulnerable years of life when the soul and personality is being constructed to understand self value and self respect and that there are boundaries to be respected in the lives of others in addition to your own life; physical boundaries and emotional boundaries also. There was some other cartoon or tv show.   So let us hear you  say again that Ren and Stempy is great, Fargo. Ozark and every other movie or show  that makes you thankful there is a cop who can respond to a 911 call in Seven minutes.  The Catholic Church supports state authority as over the church while in Rome the church maintains its own state but the practical truth is the acceptance of different denominations and churches that will, if in genuine stride as to the value of the building block of society and of the human life, agree and confirm the same in mutual and similar creeds although there may be some nuance.  God is one. The Crown is one.  The state is one.   Its purpose is peace, order and good government as stated by some and the life, liberty, health and property as stated by others.  Separating Church and State can confirm religious freedom and freedom of assembly but any assembly that threatens the lives of other individuals who are sworn to a sacred allegiance to defend his brother citizen is a threat to all; a threat to the state while all men could state that they are religiously free to kill, steal and destroy any man they want but this is a threat to the general peace and the right life and liberty of others in the mutual happiness; a mutual happiness. The State is the amalgamation of  a total and general will of all citizens to carry on in the right and lawful daily pursuits and the boundary is to respect the right and lawful pursuit of others.  The 'Me' or the 'My'  dream approach or my world view that must be heard in spite of its threat to the unspoken but evident boundaries in the rights to safety as vested in us all would have to be addressed since you would have to agree that no one has the right to threaten you as a white man in the absence of basic income in your automated economy. But, the absence threatens everyone really.  The goal is not a desert of the real as you hope and pray to see what God does after ward while you hunt for nuclear contaminated cats in the woods with a cross bow.  The school is one sphere of debate on this issue of separation and the public does not have to be Catholic or Church run as there are other religious persuasions who must attend and it is just a waste of time for the majority to be taken up with religious instruction beyond the most simple observation of the beliefs of the founding fathers of the nation and why you would be so fortunate to attend a free school today.  They do believe in Jesus Christ and there is nothing wrong with confirming this in a history class and there are some who were Jewish; certainly.  The bible should be in the library and that is the end of it. There will be no altar call during public school education and nor will there be the Lord's prayer. You can pray before and after school or at lunch time.   The churches can run their own school and school system but compliance with the national or state syllabus is paramount and there will be fines if  state standards are not maintained as to the reading and arithmetic since the final debate as to the safety of traffic lights and streets and subways in addition to the simple purchase of a BMW hydrogen 7 that runs on gas, hydrogen and propane to save your money is not a very difficult three fuel or three angled economic debate.  It always adds up to use the cheapest and most abundant fuel at any given time in our march toward greater efficiency and human felicity. Church membership will stay constant and there is no need to sow desperation or need to ensure there is misery for membership. There are families and there are women who read bad magazines and men who choose to watch the belly dancer and giver her $20.00 instead of watching your wife change and giving her  $20.00. Have a shower with her and buy a Pizzuh!     Your freedom to produce what you want and communicate messages of human life and experience have to respect a denominator more than they do not since there are children who could be unwitting victims and may never recover from what was intended to heal a drug addict or some other monster who is the slave to their angers.  The denominator is that there has to be moral to the story that supports what some of us may not have had and that we might have chosen as an object of resentment but it has to be supported for the purposes of a safe society. This is the family as the building block of society. This is the final denominator in any government and in any church and as such their efforts are not separable but compatible with clean water that encourages fertility, good teeth and good health along with a function mail and courier system, hospitals and schools in addition to an economy that will always be automated since the automation is the testimony of the first truly consumer society and maximum automation is not sought in destroying the subject of economic endeavor; that being the family but supporting the family and the individuals therein.  The sale of the notion of the individual is always subsumed to the paramount goal of the family and even an individual can be a family of one with a dog or cat and maybe a girlfriend down the road he will never be truly alone as all have contact with others with the loving bump, push and apology on the subway.   He nevr feels too alone as he watches tv communally as people watch him through his web cam or his television cable box and he will eat what ever pate he chooses or maybe the occasional fish and chips dish or maybe the instant soup and ramen.  This issue of church and state is a non issue since when does the state not have authority over the individual or its own organisations if not the number of people who can fit into a room under fire regulations?  There is a building code for plumbing and the quality and nature of fire alarms.   You spend so much time arguing and you did it before but this time you can see that your experience as a consumer society and all that it demanded from capitalism is being sold back to you buy societies who were less consumptive and hyper in terms of consumption. You bought the Honda and the Toyota because you deserve a break today. You are worth it. Here's to you!  But, there are some of you who are resistant! You do not want to rest! You could also be motivated by fear as they did not offer you the option when the machines showed up so in the stalemate and with no option provided, you must have quietly and with organization, damaged the machines bought by US industry for automation and you kept your hands working but it seems there was no commitment  made by government to the family;  no commitment to consumption and no commitment to the individual so that consumption would thrive since the auto workers goal is not enough money to eat, live and pray.  He wants to support his church and he probably has other skills that the economy can use and thereby it will benefit once the North American industry and government make commitment via basic income to consumption for the families that are the building block of society for more Tide, Coca Cola and Kraft foods. Share COMMENTS POPULAR POSTS January 02, 2018 R V. ST. ARNAULT, 2008 ABPC 207 CANLII THE ACCUSED HAS PLEADED GUILTY TO THREE CHARGES: (1) POSSESSION OF MERCHANDISE HAVING A VALUE EXCEEDING $5,000.00, THE PROPERTY OF STAPLES BUSINESS DEPOT, AND OBTAINED FROM THE COMMISSION IN CANADA OF AN INDICTABLE OFFENCE (SECTION 355(A) OF THE CRIMINAL CODE); Share Post a Comment January 21, 2018 CLICK HERE! EVEN IF YOU ARE ADDICTED TO SUSHI ALTHOUGH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOUR ANGLO CULTURE, YOU ARE LEGITIMATE: LEGITIMACY, 2018 AS WRITTEN BY WARREN A. LYON; THE BLACK GUY FROM UNIONVILLE WHO FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL AT RSGC, AND WHO FINISHED HIS BA(HONS) AT UWO WITH A B AVERAGE AND WHO FINISHED AT U. OF L. WITH A HIGH 2: 1 WITH THIS ESSAY GRADED AS A 1ST. HE WAS BORN IN ST. ANDREW, JAMAICA LIKE J.R.R. TOLKIEN. EMAIL HIM AT WARREN.A.LYON@GMAIL.COM OR AT W.A.LYON.ANGELRONAN@MAIL.COM. Share Post a Comment Powered by Blogger Donations! PAYMENT/FEE Canada Supreme Court Reports We honor the Court at Men's Magazine(TM) TV. Part 4, 2017 Vol. 1 [2017] 1 SCR {i-lxxiii 865-1145} - 2017-07-26 -  Part 3, 2017 Vol. 1 [2017] 1 SCR 575-863 - 2017-06-28 -  Part 2, 2017 Vol. 1 ([2017] 1 SCR 283-573) - 2017-06-02 -  Part 1, 2017 Vol. 1 ([2017] 1 SCR 3-281) - 2017-03-23 -  Part 3, 2016 Vol. 2 ([2016] 2 SCR i-l 617-776) - 2016-12-09 -  Men's Magazine TV by Warren A. Lyon from Fincham/Larkin: 1-647-701-9478. Email: londinium.mmxi@gmail.com. LONDINIUM MMXI by Londinium Media! Warren Augustine Lyon VISIT PROFILE Your Request for a good consultation VISIT PROFILE Magazine Issues Per Month. Labels Report Abuse THE MEN'S MAGAZINE(TM). ESTABLISHED IN 1996!

THE MEN'S MAGAZINE(TM). ESTABLISHED IN 1996! All posts by Warren A. Lyon, LL.B(Hons) U. of L. This is my version of Egyptian testimony instead of Dutty Bookman who has a disdain for education.How will you know the Egyptians were Black enough for 1789 when race began? The Athlete Ben or poet Ben Jonson's oldest ancestor could be a Pharaoh? A woman is not a disposable bandaid utensil for your self esteem. You must think of her like an appreciated coffee maker. I loved you Uncle, your father and mother like the bible,Torah and Koran says. March 10, 2018 THE LUTHERAN, PURITAN AND CALVINIST TAKE ON STATE AUTHORITY AND THE CHURCH IN THE OLD WORLD PRIOR TO 1633 IN ENGLAND WAS AN ARGUMENT THAT SURVIVED THE ATLANTIC PASSAGE FOR TOO LONG NOW AND HAS BEEN REDUCED TO A MANTRA ABOUT THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE; A MANTRA THAT SEEKS SEPARATION IN FEAR OF THE WORST THAT CHURCH EMPLOYEES OR TEACHERS MAY HAVE DONE IN DEVALUING THE SUBJECT WHILE PROMOTING THE AUTHORITY. THE REAL TRUTH IS THAT THE PURITAN IS A KIND OF REFORMED CATHOLIC AND AN AGENT OF EUROPEAN CULTURE IN THE NEW WORLD. BUT, WHERE DOES HE GO TO CHURCH TODAY? THIS IS OVER NOW BUT FEAR IS POWERFUL IN ACHIEVING THE SAME DEVALUING OF THE SUBJECT WHICH IS HUMAN LIFE IN THE ABSENCE OF THE RULES THAT GIVE RESPECT TO THE SAME AND ALSO HUMANE AND CIVIL BOUNDARIES CONCERNING PERSONAL PROPERTY AND FAMILY LIFE IN WORD, ART, COMMUNICATIONS AND IN DEED AS THE MANTRA OF FREE SPEECH HAS WORKED TO ALLOW EVERY KIND OF DEVALUING CRITTER OR CREATURE IN THOUGHT AND IN DEED TO INFILTRATE THE PUBLIC ATMOSPHERE UNDER THE OTHER MANTRA THAT IS THE TWIN OF THE CHURCH/STATE DIATRIBE AS CALLED THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND WHILE IT IS FREE, WE CANNOT ARGUE WITH THE EVIDENCE IN THE COST OF CERTAIN SPEECH THAT IS EXTOLLED AS FREE BUT THAT IS EITHER CRIMINAL OR SIMPLY CONFUSING OR MISDIRECTING, DISTRACTING, DESTRUCTIVE OR CERTAINLY DIVISIVE AND SUBTLY SOCIALLY DECAPITATING WHOLE GENERATIONS AS CORROSIVE. THE STUDENT IS NOT A THREAT TO A TEACHER'S EGO BUT A PROTECTED AND VALUED BUILDING BLOCK IN A FAMILY AND ALSO, THEREFORE, SOCIETY. CHILDREN ARE PEOPLE TOO! WE COULD GO AND WATCH REN AND STEMPY AND WHILE YOU SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH IT, IT IS BECAUSE IT IS NOT THE CARTOON OR TV THAT NURSED YOU IN THE MOST VULNERABLE YEARS OF LIFE WHEN THE SOUL AND PERSONALITY IS BEING CONSTRUCTED TO UNDERSTAND SELF VALUE AND SELF RESPECT AND THAT THERE ARE BOUNDARIES TO BE RESPECTED IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS IN ADDITION TO YOUR OWN LIFE; PHYSICAL BOUNDARIES AND EMOTIONAL BOUNDARIES ALSO. THERE WAS SOME OTHER CARTOON OR TV SHOW. SO LET US HEAR YOU SAY AGAIN THAT REN AND STEMPY IS GREAT, FARGO. OZARK AND EVERY OTHER MOVIE OR SHOW THAT MAKES YOU THANKFUL THERE IS A COP WHO CAN RESPOND TO A 911 CALL IN SEVEN MINUTES. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH SUPPORTS STATE AUTHORITY AS OVER THE CHURCH WHILE IN ROME THE CHURCH MAINTAINS ITS OWN STATE BUT THE PRACTICAL TRUTH IS THE ACCEPTANCE OF DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS AND CHURCHES THAT WILL, IF IN GENUINE STRIDE AS TO THE VALUE OF THE BUILDING BLOCK OF SOCIETY AND OF THE HUMAN LIFE, AGREE AND CONFIRM THE SAME IN MUTUAL AND SIMILAR CREEDS ALTHOUGH THERE MAY BE SOME NUANCE. GOD IS ONE. THE CROWN IS ONE. THE STATE IS ONE. ITS PURPOSE IS PEACE, ORDER AND GOOD GOVERNMENT AS STATED BY SOME AND THE LIFE, LIBERTY, HEALTH AND PROPERTY AS STATED BY OTHERS. SEPARATING CHURCH AND STATE CAN CONFIRM RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY BUT ANY ASSEMBLY THAT THREATENS THE LIVES OF OTHER INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE SWORN TO A SACRED ALLEGIANCE TO DEFEND HIS BROTHER CITIZEN IS A THREAT TO ALL; A THREAT TO THE STATE WHILE ALL MEN COULD STATE THAT THEY ARE RELIGIOUSLY FREE TO KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY ANY MAN THEY WANT BUT THIS IS A THREAT TO THE GENERAL PEACE AND THE RIGHT LIFE AND LIBERTY OF OTHERS IN THE MUTUAL HAPPINESS; A MUTUAL HAPPINESS. THE STATE IS THE AMALGAMATION OF A TOTAL AND GENERAL WILL OF ALL CITIZENS TO CARRY ON IN THE RIGHT AND LAWFUL DAILY PURSUITS AND THE BOUNDARY IS TO RESPECT THE RIGHT AND LAWFUL PURSUIT OF OTHERS. THE 'ME' OR THE 'MY' DREAM APPROACH OR MY WORLD VIEW THAT MUST BE HEARD IN SPITE OF ITS THREAT TO THE UNSPOKEN BUT EVIDENT BOUNDARIES IN THE RIGHTS TO SAFETY AS VESTED IN US ALL WOULD HAVE TO BE ADDRESSED SINCE YOU WOULD HAVE TO AGREE THAT NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO THREATEN YOU AS A WHITE MAN IN THE ABSENCE OF BASIC INCOME IN YOUR AUTOMATED ECONOMY. BUT, THE ABSENCE THREATENS EVERYONE REALLY. THE GOAL IS NOT A DESERT OF THE REAL AS YOU HOPE AND PRAY TO SEE WHAT GOD DOES AFTER WARD WHILE YOU HUNT FOR NUCLEAR CONTAMINATED CATS IN THE WOODS WITH A CROSS BOW. THE SCHOOL IS ONE SPHERE OF DEBATE ON THIS ISSUE OF SEPARATION AND THE PUBLIC DOES NOT HAVE TO BE CATHOLIC OR CHURCH RUN AS THERE ARE OTHER RELIGIOUS PERSUASIONS WHO MUST ATTEND AND IT IS JUST A WASTE OF TIME FOR THE MAJORITY TO BE TAKEN UP WITH RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION BEYOND THE MOST SIMPLE OBSERVATION OF THE BELIEFS OF THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF THE NATION AND WHY YOU WOULD BE SO FORTUNATE TO ATTEND A FREE SCHOOL TODAY. THEY DO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH CONFIRMING THIS IN A HISTORY CLASS AND THERE ARE SOME WHO WERE JEWISH; CERTAINLY. THE BIBLE SHOULD BE IN THE LIBRARY AND THAT IS THE END OF IT. THERE WILL BE NO ALTAR CALL DURING PUBLIC SCHOOL EDUCATION AND NOR WILL THERE BE THE LORD'S PRAYER. YOU CAN PRAY BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL OR AT LUNCH TIME. THE CHURCHES CAN RUN THEIR OWN SCHOOL AND SCHOOL SYSTEM BUT COMPLIANCE WITH THE NATIONAL OR STATE SYLLABUS IS PARAMOUNT AND THERE WILL BE FINES IF STATE STANDARDS ARE NOT MAINTAINED AS TO THE READING AND ARITHMETIC SINCE THE FINAL DEBATE AS TO THE SAFETY OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS AND STREETS AND SUBWAYS IN ADDITION TO THE SIMPLE PURCHASE OF A BMW HYDROGEN 7 THAT RUNS ON GAS, HYDROGEN AND PROPANE TO SAVE YOUR MONEY IS NOT A VERY DIFFICULT THREE FUEL OR THREE ANGLED ECONOMIC DEBATE. IT ALWAYS ADDS UP TO USE THE CHEAPEST AND MOST ABUNDANT FUEL AT ANY GIVEN TIME IN OUR MARCH TOWARD GREATER EFFICIENCY AND HUMAN FELICITY. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP WILL STAY CONSTANT AND THERE IS NO NEED TO SOW DESPERATION OR NEED TO ENSURE THERE IS MISERY FOR MEMBERSHIP. THERE ARE FAMILIES AND THERE ARE WOMEN WHO READ BAD MAGAZINES AND MEN WHO CHOOSE TO WATCH THE BELLY DANCER AND GIVER HER $20.00 INSTEAD OF WATCHING YOUR WIFE CHANGE AND GIVING HER $20.00. HAVE A SHOWER WITH HER AND BUY A PIZZUH! YOUR FREEDOM TO PRODUCE WHAT YOU WANT AND COMMUNICATE MESSAGES OF HUMAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE HAVE TO RESPECT A DENOMINATOR MORE THAN THEY DO NOT SINCE THERE ARE CHILDREN WHO COULD BE UNWITTING VICTIMS AND MAY NEVER RECOVER FROM WHAT WAS INTENDED TO HEAL A DRUG ADDICT OR SOME OTHER MONSTER WHO IS THE SLAVE TO THEIR ANGERS. THE DENOMINATOR IS THAT THERE HAS TO BE MORAL TO THE STORY THAT SUPPORTS WHAT SOME OF US MAY NOT HAVE HAD AND THAT WE MIGHT HAVE CHOSEN AS AN OBJECT OF RESENTMENT BUT IT HAS TO BE SUPPORTED FOR THE PURPOSES OF A SAFE SOCIETY. THIS IS THE FAMILY AS THE BUILDING BLOCK OF SOCIETY. THIS IS THE FINAL DENOMINATOR IN ANY GOVERNMENT AND IN ANY CHURCH AND AS SUCH THEIR EFFORTS ARE NOT SEPARABLE BUT COMPATIBLE WITH CLEAN WATER THAT ENCOURAGES FERTILITY, GOOD TEETH AND GOOD HEALTH ALONG WITH A FUNCTION MAIL AND COURIER SYSTEM, HOSPITALS AND SCHOOLS IN ADDITION TO AN ECONOMY THAT WILL ALWAYS BE AUTOMATED SINCE THE AUTOMATION IS THE TESTIMONY OF THE FIRST TRULY CONSUMER SOCIETY AND MAXIMUM AUTOMATION IS NOT SOUGHT IN DESTROYING THE SUBJECT OF ECONOMIC ENDEAVOR; THAT BEING THE FAMILY BUT SUPPORTING THE FAMILY AND THE INDIVIDUALS THEREIN. THE SALE OF THE NOTION OF THE INDIVIDUAL IS ALWAYS SUBSUMED TO THE PARAMOUNT GOAL OF THE FAMILY AND EVEN AN INDIVIDUAL CAN BE A FAMILY OF ONE WITH A DOG OR CAT AND MAYBE A GIRLFRIEND DOWN THE ROAD HE WILL NEVER BE TRULY ALONE AS ALL HAVE CONTACT WITH OTHERS WITH THE LOVING BUMP, PUSH AND APOLOGY ON THE SUBWAY. HE NEVR FEELS TOO ALONE AS HE WATCHES TV COMMUNALLY AS PEOPLE WATCH HIM THROUGH HIS WEB CAM OR HIS TELEVISION CABLE BOX AND HE WILL EAT WHAT EVER PATE HE CHOOSES OR MAYBE THE OCCASIONAL FISH AND CHIPS DISH OR MAYBE THE INSTANT SOUP AND RAMEN. THIS ISSUE OF CHURCH AND STATE IS A NON ISSUE SINCE WHEN DOES THE STATE NOT HAVE AUTHORITY OVER THE INDIVIDUAL OR ITS OWN ORGANISATIONS IF NOT THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO CAN FIT INTO A ROOM UNDER FIRE REGULATIONS? THERE IS A BUILDING CODE FOR PLUMBING AND THE QUALITY AND NATURE OF FIRE ALARMS. YOU SPEND SO MUCH TIME ARGUING AND YOU DID IT BEFORE BUT THIS TIME YOU CAN SEE THAT YOUR EXPERIENCE AS A CONSUMER SOCIETY AND ALL THAT IT DEMANDED FROM CAPITALISM IS BEING SOLD BACK TO YOU BUY SOCIETIES WHO WERE LESS CONSUMPTIVE AND HYPER IN TERMS OF CONSUMPTION. YOU BOUGHT THE HONDA AND THE TOYOTA BECAUSE YOU DESERVE A BREAK TODAY. YOU ARE WORTH IT. HERE'S TO YOU! BUT, THERE ARE SOME OF YOU WHO ARE RESISTANT! YOU DO NOT WANT TO REST! YOU COULD ALSO BE MOTIVATED BY FEAR AS THEY DID NOT OFFER YOU THE OPTION WHEN THE MACHINES SHOWED UP SO IN THE STALEMATE AND WITH NO OPTION PROVIDED, YOU MUST HAVE QUIETLY AND WITH ORGANIZATION, DAMAGED THE MACHINES BOUGHT BY US INDUSTRY FOR AUTOMATION AND YOU KEPT YOUR HANDS WORKING BUT IT SEEMS THERE WAS NO COMMITMENT MADE BY GOVERNMENT TO THE FAMILY; NO COMMITMENT TO CONSUMPTION AND NO COMMITMENT TO THE INDIVIDUAL SO THAT CONSUMPTION WOULD THRIVE SINCE THE AUTO WORKERS GOAL IS NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO EAT, LIVE AND PRAY. HE WANTS TO SUPPORT HIS CHURCH AND HE PROBABLY HAS OTHER SKILLS THAT THE ECONOMY CAN USE AND THEREBY IT WILL BENEFIT ONCE THE NORTH AMERICAN INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT MAKE COMMITMENT VIA BASIC INCOME TO CONSUMPTION FOR THE FAMILIES THAT ARE THE BUILDING BLOCK OF SOCIETY FOR MORE TIDE, COCA COLA AND KRAFT FOODS. The Lutheran, Puritan and Calvinist take on State authority and the church in the old world prior to 1633 in England was an argument that survived the Atlantic passage for too long now and has been reduced to a mantra about the separation of church and state; a mantra that seeks separation in fear of the worst that church employees or teachers may have done in devaluing the subject while promoting the authority. The real truth is that the Puritan is a kind of reformed Catholic and an agent of European culture in the new world. But, where does he go to church today?  This is over now but fear is powerful in achieving the same devaluing of the subject which is human life in the absence of the rules that give respect to the same and also humane and civil boundaries concerning personal property and family life in word, art, communications and in deed as the mantra of free speech  has worked to allow every kind of devaluing critter or creature in thought and in deed to infiltrate the public atmosphere under the other mantra that is the twin of the church/state diatribe as called the freedom of speech and while it is free, we cannot argue with the evidence in the cost of certain speech that is extolled as free but that is either criminal or simply confusing or misdirecting, distracting, destructive or certainly divisive and subtly socially decapitating whole generations  as corrosive.  The student is not a threat to a teacher's ego but a protected and valued building block in a family and also, therefore, society. Children are people too!   We could go and watch Ren and Stempy and while you see nothing wrong with it, it is because it is not the cartoon or tv that nursed you in the most vulnerable years of life when the soul and personality is being constructed to understand self value and self respect and that there are boundaries to be respected in the lives of others in addition to your own life; physical boundaries and emotional boundaries also. There was some other cartoon or tv show.   So let us hear you  say again that Ren and Stempy is great, Fargo. Ozark and every other movie or show  that makes you thankful there is a cop who can respond to a 911 call in Seven minutes.  The Catholic Church supports state authority as over the church while in Rome the church maintains its own state but the practical truth is the acceptance of different denominations and churches that will, if in genuine stride as to the value of the building block of society and of the human life, agree and confirm the same in mutual and similar creeds although there may be some nuance.  God is one. The Crown is one.  The state is one.   Its purpose is peace, order and good government as stated by some and the life, liberty, health and property as stated by others.  Separating Church and State can confirm religious freedom and freedom of assembly but any assembly that threatens the lives of other individuals who are sworn to a sacred allegiance to defend his brother citizen is a threat to all; a threat to the state while all men could state that they are religiously free to kill, steal and destroy any man they want but this is a threat to the general peace and the right life and liberty of others in the mutual happiness; a mutual happiness. The State is the amalgamation of  a total and general will of all citizens to carry on in the right and lawful daily pursuits and the boundary is to respect the right and lawful pursuit of others.  The 'Me' or the 'My'  dream approach or my world view that must be heard in spite of its threat to the unspoken but evident boundaries in the rights to safety as vested in us all would have to be addressed since you would have to agree that no one has the right to threaten you as a white man in the absence of basic income in your automated economy. But, the absence threatens everyone really.  The goal is not a desert of the real as you hope and pray to see what God does after ward while you hunt for nuclear contaminated cats in the woods with a cross bow.  The school is one sphere of debate on this issue of separation and the public does not have to be Catholic or Church run as there are other religious persuasions who must attend and it is just a waste of time for the majority to be taken up with religious instruction beyond the most simple observation of the beliefs of the founding fathers of the nation and why you would be so fortunate to attend a free school today.  They do believe in Jesus Christ and there is nothing wrong with confirming this in a history class and there are some who were Jewish; certainly.  The bible should be in the library and that is the end of it. There will be no altar call during public school education and nor will there be the Lord's prayer. You can pray before and after school or at lunch time.   The churches can run their own school and school system but compliance with the national or state syllabus is paramount and there will be fines if  state standards are not maintained as to the reading and arithmetic since the final debate as to the safety of traffic lights and streets and subways in addition to the simple purchase of a BMW hydrogen 7 that runs on gas, hydrogen and propane to save your money is not a very difficult three fuel or three angled economic debate.  It always adds up to use the cheapest and most abundant fuel at any given time in our march toward greater efficiency and human felicity. Church membership will stay constant and there is no need to sow desperation or need to ensure there is misery for membership. There are families and there are women who read bad magazines and men who choose to watch the belly dancer and giver her $20.00 instead of watching your wife change and giving her  $20.00. Have a shower with her and buy a Pizzuh!     Your freedom to produce what you want and communicate messages of human life and experience have to respect a denominator more than they do not since there are children who could be unwitting victims and may never recover from what was intended to heal a drug addict or some other monster who is the slave to their angers.  The denominator is that there has to be moral to the story that supports what some of us may not have had and that we might have chosen as an object of resentment but it has to be supported for the purposes of a safe society. This is the family as the building block of society. This is the final denominator in any government and in any church and as such their efforts are not separable but compatible with clean water that encourages fertility, good teeth and good health along with a function mail and courier system, hospitals and schools in addition to an economy that will always be automated since the automation is the testimony of the first truly consumer society and maximum automation is not sought in destroying the subject of economic endeavor; that being the family but supporting the family and the individuals therein.  The sale of the notion of the individual is always subsumed to the paramount goal of the family and even an individual can be a family of one with a dog or cat and maybe a girlfriend down the road he will never be truly alone as all have contact with others with the loving bump, push and apology on the subway.   He nevr feels too alone as he watches tv communally as people watch him through his web cam or his television cable box and he will eat what ever pate he chooses or maybe the occasional fish and chips dish or maybe the instant soup and ramen.  This issue of church and state is a non issue since when does the state not have authority over the individual or its own organisations if not the number of people who can fit into a room under fire regulations?  There is a building code for plumbing and the quality and nature of fire alarms.   You spend so much time arguing and you did it before but this time you can see that your experience as a consumer society and all that it demanded from capitalism is being sold back to you buy societies who were less consumptive and hyper in terms of consumption. You bought the Honda and the Toyota because you deserve a break today. You are worth it. Here's to you!  But, there are some of you who are resistant! You do not want to rest! You could also be motivated by fear as they did not offer you the option when the machines showed up so in the stalemate and with no option provided, you must have quietly and with organization, damaged the machines bought by US industry for automation and you kept your hands working but it seems there was no commitment  made by government to the family;  no commitment to consumption and no commitment to the individual so that consumption would thrive since the auto workers goal is not enough money to eat, live and pray.  He wants to support his church and he probably has other skills that the economy can use and thereby it will benefit once the North American industry and government make commitment via basic income to consumption for the families that are the building block of society for more Tide, Coca Cola and Kraft foods. Share COMMENTS POPULAR POSTS January 02, 2018 R V. ST. ARNAULT, 2008 ABPC 207 CANLII THE ACCUSED HAS PLEADED GUILTY TO THREE CHARGES: (1) POSSESSION OF MERCHANDISE HAVING A VALUE EXCEEDING $5,000.00, THE PROPERTY OF STAPLES BUSINESS DEPOT, AND OBTAINED FROM THE COMMISSION IN CANADA OF AN INDICTABLE OFFENCE (SECTION 355(A) OF THE CRIMINAL CODE); Share Post a Comment January 21, 2018 CLICK HERE! EVEN IF YOU ARE ADDICTED TO SUSHI ALTHOUGH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND YOUR ANGLO CULTURE, YOU ARE LEGITIMATE: LEGITIMACY, 2018 AS WRITTEN BY WARREN A. LYON; THE BLACK GUY FROM UNIONVILLE WHO FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL AT RSGC, AND WHO FINISHED HIS BA(HONS) AT UWO WITH A B AVERAGE AND WHO FINISHED AT U. OF L. WITH A HIGH 2: 1 WITH THIS ESSAY GRADED AS A 1ST. HE WAS BORN IN ST. ANDREW, JAMAICA LIKE J.R.R. TOLKIEN. EMAIL HIM AT WARREN.A.LYON@GMAIL.COM OR AT W.A.LYON.ANGELRONAN@MAIL.COM. Share Post a Comment Powered by Blogger Donations! PAYMENT/FEE Canada Supreme Court Reports We honor the Court at Men's Magazine(TM) TV. 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